As seen on publications

Christina Brown Fisher covers justice and veteran's affairs issues
Christina Brown Fisher is a military veteran and an Emmy award-winning broadcast news journalist. She was formerly an anchor and correspondent for MSNBC and NBC News, and the host, as well as a producer for Our Take, a news, politics and women’s lifestyle program, for Arise TV media network.

Beyond Survival: Traumatic Brain Injury Is the Aspect of Domestic Violence We Need to Discuss - The Root

For Memorial Day, Obama Should Stand Up for All Who’ve Served and Sacrificed - The Root

In Reaching Budget Deal, Congress Turns its Back on Those Who Have Served - Huffington Post
About my podcast
Me, Myself & TBI
Me, Myself & TBI is a podcast with information and inspiration for people affected by brain injury. Each episode, host Christina Brown Fisher interviews traumatic brain injury survivors, caregivers and brain specialists. Listen to dive deep into their stories and lessons learned.